Friday, November 24, 2017

Amazon Reviews for COLUMBUS - The Untold Story

Customer reviews

4.8 out of 5 stars

on October 1, 2016
Many reviewers call Mr. Rosa’s history of Christopher Columbus “an alternative portrait … and... historical revisionism”.
Manuel Rosa has written a real game changer in our understanding of the dynamics associated with the Age of Discovery. It is a paradigm shifting history book on Columbus and his discoveries. The book is definitive and based on too many primary sources to have reviewers call his work historical revisionism, more precisely, it is a serious correction to the misinformation propagated by respected and serious historians.

As a Master Mariner, Captain and navigator, as well an avid student of the “Age of Discovery”, I was just mesmerized by the detailed and fascinating information based on primary sources, not looked at by previous historians/biographers.

Mr. Rosa finally gives us a true picture of the “Age of Discovery”, loosely defined as the European historical period from the 15th century to the 18th century, marking the time in which extensive overseas exploration emerged as a powerful factor in European culture and globalization.

Capt. Peter J. Piaseckyj
Master Mariner of Ocean Steam or Motor Vessels of Any Gross Tons, United States Merchant Marine, Document No. USA000110542
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on May 18, 2017
Being of Lithuanian descent, I am very familiar with how easily history of a nation and people can be distorted.

What Manuel Rosa has accomplished by writing "Columbus-The Untold Story" is stunning. Through his extensive research, familiarity with traditions and customs of the times, and his mastery of Portuguese, Italian, and Spanish, he has managed to piece together and expose a history, taught to us and our children, fraught
with inaccuracies and outright lies about "The Great Discoveror," Christopher Columbus.

The greatest of sceptics would find it difficult to argue against the primary source documents presented by Rosa. However, Rosa goes one step further by weaving in and analyzing customs and traditions of the time that enhance the believability of his evidence and narrative exponentially.

The book not only paints a picture of the intrigues between Italy, Portugal, and Spain, but causes a monumental stir by unmasking Columbus true identity and the connection with East-Central Europe.

All in all, this is a book that belongs in all institutions of higher learning so that the work of correcting history may begin.
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on June 24, 2016
I have been waiting a good many years, too many to count, in fact, for this book by Manuel Rosa. If you want a book that is well researched, complete with details and sources, then this is the tome for you. Twenty-five years of research have pieced together a stunning array of artifacts and data, complete with DNA test results; one that resulted in the deceitfulness of power, of politics, false identities and false discoveries. Herein you will be able follow the author, as he connects the dots to a medieval conspiracy, so massive, so bold, so risky, and so well executed, that it has continued to fool the world for 500 years. This book, without a doubt, is one of the best to captivate me in a very long time. Manuel Rosa makes an exceptionally strong case for those who still insist on believing otherwise.
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on September 14, 2017
Sometimes the work of scrupulous historians with a very inquisitive mind offers us a very decent and convincing account on the historical revisionism. Recently Manuel Rosa the American amateur historian with Portuguese roots provided a book entitled ''Columbus - The untold story'', in which he presented convincing theory already partially supported even by investigations of DNA material (still much waiting to be done, but the kinship between the Christopher Colombus and Colom as well as Colombo families was already excluded by DNA analysis) that man commonly known as Christopher Columbus was not of Italian heritage (moreover his knowledge of Italian was scant) and most likely he was acting as an agent of Portuguese Kingdom. His role as this agent was to focus Spanish attention on the ''New Land'' that was already known to Portuguese and to distract Spanish attention from Portuguese possessions. The origin of the great sailor who is commonly regarded as the one who ''discovered'' American continents for Europeans for the ''first time'' is actually not known. All we know about his young age and his family is built on the very frail presumptions. But Mr. Rosa thanks to his tedious and accurate analysis of the available historical sources and brave as well as inquisitive mind connects the alleged ''discoverer'' of America with Polish king of Lithuanian roots Valdislav of Varna, making the last ''Crusader King'', who is wrongly believed to have fallen in the battle of Varna in 1444 AD his father. This is a example of a very decent and well-researched historical revisionism that is supported by the scrupulous and tedious analysis of available sources. This book offers completely new perspective on the Age of Discoveries.
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on October 17, 2016
An amazing book that exposes the TRUE history of Christopher Columbus. After reading this book, you will realize that everything you have been told about Columbus is a lie. Historians have been telling & re-telling a story that is backed by no evidence. Author Manuel Rosa has done years of research and with his ability to understand, read & write in multiple languages, he has uncovered Columbus's real identity. Was Columbus born in Portugal, was his father a Polish king, was he sent to Spain as spy? Learn all the evidence that answer these questions and more.

Also check out author Manuel Rosa's great hour & a half interview on The Ripple Effect Podcast: [...]
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on November 12, 2017
The truth is finale revealed, this book do's not require a leap of faith like the other book's all the documents and clues are there for you to look at in this book (you) are the one putting the puzzle pieces together and Manuel Rosa is giving you the pieces. as a cristobal colon desendent I am grateful thank you.... m.r. Rosa
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on September 22, 2016
need to be on your toes to read this. A lot of detail and going over the same points but a fascinating story and impressive research.
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on June 12, 2017
Tremendous research. Fascinating revelations. Desperately in need of proofreading and editing.
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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Monday, October 10, 2016

When Will America Return the Favor – And Discover Columbus: The Untold Story?

The following retrospective -- on his very "close encounter" with my book -- was written by Bob Lamming of an unusually effective article encapsulating my "untold story" titled End of the Enigmatic Christopher Columbus: A Man at Last Emerges to Eradicate the Myth. Since the website for which it was intended does not publish personal reviews, we are posting our follow-up below.  

Columbus: The Untold Story is available for purchase at:

When Will America Return the Favor – And Discover Columbus: The Untold Story?
by Bob Lamming

he article we did last May – “End of the Enigmatic Christopher Columbus: A Man at Last Emerges to Eradicate the Myth” – drew a very positive response. In remembrance of Columbus Day, we've been invited to expand on that discussion. 

Last Spring I worked intensely on Manuel Rosa's Columbus-The Untold Story, and on our article for Ancient Origins. What I brought to the partnership were my skills as an English instructor – coming out of retirement, to do an odd job here and there. 

Prior to this engagement, I knew almost nothing of the Columbus controversy, and I cared less. The strongest impression I retain of the job I did half a year ago is how compelling I found Rosa's well researched argument, and how deeply engrossed I became in the unfolding narrative as I read and edited the English-language debut of Columbus: The Untold Story

I see no point in mimicking our earlier effort. The overview we presented five months ago could scarcely be improved upon. For a sympathetic, well-informed discussion of the book that goes into greater depth – and supplies a different selection of evidence – please see the (January 15, 2013) piece on Columbus by Greek-Polish historian Miltiades Varvounis, at the Lithuanian historical website Draugas News.

Why reinvent the wheel?

In any case, Manuel Rosa himself – who's lived a quarter century with this material, and persevered doggedly to make his findings known – should be making a webinar appearance soon on the members' page at Ancient Origins. Have your questions ready. 

Beyond that, there is no remedy but to read the book itself. In fact, your own engagement with Rosa's "untold story" could have meaningful side effects – on more sides than one.

ooner or later, this new Columbus paradigm must address the English-speaking world. Attracting the attention of a major American publisher is the next logical step, for this is where the promotion and distribution capacity exists to put Rosa's Columbus on trial in the verbal venue that's most critical to its establishment as fact – or its conclusive refutation. Why this hasn't happened yet is a mystery to me. 

Over the past decade, Columbus: The Untold Story has come out in four other European languages – with sufficient mainstream coverage and authoritative acclaim, I would think, to warrant its widespread promotion in English. An option on the movie rights is being discussed. What's more, the limited edition that Outwater Media Group published, to mark the 500th anniversary of Columbus' death on May 20, includes four completely new chapters – about a fourth of the book's entire content, in its present form. None of this remarkable material appeared in the earlier, Portuguese, Spanish, Polish or Lithuanian editions.

A couple years back, when I re-read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, I learned that its author had submitted the manuscript to well over a hundred publishers before one of them took a chance on what would become an American classic. When my wife treated me a few months back to a movie on the life and work of Thomas Wolfe, I was again reminded of how blind the professionals – in any field, perhaps, not just publishing – can be to work of extraordinary merit.

I doubt that Manuel Rosa's Columbus will prove that hard to project . . . via the world's de facto lingua franca. But even so, and with a nod to its minor flaws in diction and formatting, I'd still wager $25 that the Outwater edition's likelihood of becoming a collector's item is a better bet than $25 in random stocks or bonds these days.

But whether you ever invest your money in the purchase of, or go so far as to actually read, Columbus: The Untold Story, you have no reason to apologize. Book reviews exist largely to acquaint curious readers with the gist of writings they would never have time to explore for themselves. When and where to drill down deeper is a call that each of us makes intuitively, on his own – another function that book reviews can help us fulfill.

imited editions and radically new viewpoints are seldom discussed, or even alluded to, in the mainstream. When they do make some appearance, it's more than likely these upstarts will be dismissed out of hand.

Thus, The Kirkus Review gave a lukewarm assessment to Rosa's book recently – in which, nevertheless, it was conceded that Columbus: The Untold Story is "enjoy[able]," even "enthralling," and that Rosa's denial of the long-established, Italian-peasant Columbus is essentially well founded and correct. But in the last analysis, we are not to take this new interpretation of Columbus seriously. Two overarching reasons are suggested in the brief review; neither holds up to scrutiny.

To begin with, rejecting the author's controversial portrait of Columbus because it "assuredly violates Occam's razor" sounds more intelligent at first blush than it really is. The assertion is an amalgam of straw man and non-sequitur fallacies; its persuasive force derives purely from legerdemain. In effect, Kirkus Review is misrepresenting the very range and abundance of data that Rosa has assembled as "needless complexity," whereas (in my view) it's this very richness and fullness of documented evidence that most effectively solidifies the impression of Rosa's nobly-born Cristóbal Colón as the real McCoy. 

Kirkus Review gives no indication that Rosa's logic is askew, that his facts are insufficient . . . or non-factual. Ridicule, ad hominem attacks, and bald assertions are other devices of fallacious reasoning that one may commonly observe in criticisms such as this, where an argument is being rejected without the provision of real grounds for doing so.

As many – including, apparently, the nameless critic at Kirkus Review – are ever more boldly conceding, it's the venerable, Pulitzer-Prize-winning account of a Samuel Eliot Morison, say, that deserves to be laughed offstage, like some long-naked emperor. Yet the meticulously assembled findings of a Manuel Rosa are dismissed with a lightness of humor, a levity, which, while not open ridicule, clearly conveys the message that Rosa's thesis is a joke.

Besmirchment of the author's character, similarly, is so gentle that it's almost inconspicuous: he's put down for being "understandably defensive." However mild or muted it may sound – along with its presumption of guilt (or insufficiency) – this element of derision in the critic's judgment is still a twisted – underhanded – i.e., dishonest, and therefore invalid argumentative technique.

In the lack of any real evidence or proof, we are left at the end with nothing more substantial than a bald assertion, from an unidentified reviewer, to the effect that Manuel Rosa's book is "ultimately unconvincing."

Secondly, to reject Rosa's Columbus as a "conspiracy theory" is to beg the question. If the author has failed to demonstrate that Columbus was a conspirator, it's fair to expect a critical reviewer to give some indication of how Rosa has fallen short. Tagging Rosa's case with an overused buzzword in no way accomplishes this – a buzzword which, by the way, is wonderfully attuned to the mass confusion of consciousness in our times, as it manages to unify both stigma and accuracy within the same epithet. 

ivelihood, career and reputation are hard-won assets few today would put at risk for the sake of some obscure truth that Received Opinion (in whatever field, for whatever reason) has not affirmed. Professional intellectuals are no exception. Their opinions about paradigm-busting ideas may be expected to bend with the breeze of the hour – which is why evaluations like the one at Kirkus Review are practically useless in helping us determine whether a book like Columbus: The Untold Story, is worth reading – and almost certainly worse than useless as a filter for what the attentive public can safely ignore.

Seismic shifts build up slowly around big ideas, gathering force over time, until a critical mass arises – much as the scales in an old-fashioned candy shop rest solidly with the leaden weight, then very quickly even up as just a last few pieces are dropped onto the other side of the balance.

Fresh and powerful ideas whose very real merit conflicts with dominant outlooks and interests will typically acquire the status of open secrets, or (which is much the same) they'll languish amidst a conspiracy of silence. 

Under such circumstances, nothing that's consistent with the premise that there isn't an elephant in the room is going to require serious proof. But valid demonstrations to the contrary – especially if they're effective – will be at first ignored, next ridiculed, and then ever more heatedly resisted as the courageous proponents of truth and reason persist . . . until, of course, the tipping point is reached, whereon Received Incognizance will fizzle and disappear as quickly as spittle on a hot stove. 

he present-day, revisionist perceptions of Columbus have succeeded mainly at transforming his faded glory into esteem and sympathy for the native peoples of the Western Hemisphere. Of course, there is merit in this expansion of awareness and fellow feeling – quite apart from its common misuse for divisive political ends.

The current shift away from a Euro-centric perspective has surely reduced the potential impact that any radical reinterpretation of Columbus' identity is going to have on public consciousness.

Moreover, the fast pace of modern life, the short attention spans that nearly everyone is conditioned to, and the frightening volatility of current events will also diminish the public's sense that a new take – on the debated origins of some iconic figure from half a millennium ago – has much topical importance. 
Notwithstanding all of this, questions about the role and identity of Columbus remain intriguing, and potentially instructive, for there must be few historical figures whose character has been so firmly established, so broadly accepted – and yet remains so wildly inaccurate – as that of Christopher Columbus. 

The knowledge that we're drawn to seek rarely comes without its by-products . . . unanticipated reverberations of understanding that have the potential to deepen and sensitize our minds beyond what we could have imagined was possible. (Note the reverse is also true: steeping one's mind in filth and pabulum will surely defile and vulgarize it.)

Those who've gone on to read Columbus: The Untold Story – and thereby explored, at what is arguably their cutting edge, the questions at issue here – have to some degree exercised and challenged their minds, sharpening thereby out-of-the-box perception skills that may then be further honed through contact with other, commonly held mis-perceptions. 

Make no mistake: this world – awash in fraudulence and make believe – requires desperately the application of just such mental arts.

Society's allocation of trust has been all too commonly misguided. All too often it's the experts and anointed managers who – either by design, a lack of caring, or sheer ineptitude – facilitate the greatest injuries. Iatrogenesis is a notorious case in point, though politics, education, banking and the law come to mind at once as other major fields where abuse and charlatanism have been institutionalized.

hen such conditions become extreme, it's more vital than ever that freedom-loving individuals at the grassroots – an unsung minority of maybe one to three percent – mobilize their passion for truth, in whatever domain has captured their enthusiasm, and wherever they find the offenses of wrong against right and decency to have passed all reasonable bounds.

Often enough, truth does prove stranger than fiction – though it scarcely follows that a new explanation is true merely because it offends conventional thinking. 

In the case at issue, it's not only the time-worn Italian Columbus being increasingly perceived as a myth that's ready to collapse; what's far more astonishing – and (so far) insufficiently acknowledged – is the monumental fraudulence of the history that the myth inhabits, based on documents falsified centuries ago, to obscure a conspiracy, a history that's infused with deeply scrambled identities, phony voyages of discovery, and all the treacherous cunning of power politics.

That such a rotten conceptual edifice has occupied such a conspicuous place in the landscape of our past – over hundreds of years – is an observation that ought to give us pause. Shouldn't we be asking ourselves what else we might be that wrong about? 

Over the past decade, the comments of countless other readers, posting online, have confirmed my sense that Rosa's Columbus is a highly plausible and finely depicted candidate to fill the void left by the myth.

So, at the end of the day – independent thinker and eclectic reader that I am – why is my opinion any more credible than that of some anonymous book reviewer at a respected intellectual watering hole? Probably it isn't. But the issue is by no means resolved. If you're interested enough to have read this far, it's probably time for you to get on with it and read the book – then throw the weight of your conviction onto whichever side of the controversy it belongs.

Every myth that's dispelled, every error and deception that's exposed, every cleanup of every toxic mental spill, contributes in some way to the recovery of our moral environment – the unpredictable knock-on effects of which may prove more salutary than yet seems possible. 

Further Reading

Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, Patrick Wood

The Elephant in the Room: Silence and Denial in Everyday Life, Eviatar Zerubavel

Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder, Nassim Taleb

The Transformation of War, Martin van Creveld

Friday, October 7, 2016


Learn the truth about the Discoverer of America in COLUMBUS—THE UNTOLD STORY


IR Verdict: Solving a 500-year-old medieval conspiracy, the information contained within the pages of COLUMBUS—THE UNTOLD STORY is nothing less than eye opening.

Book ReviewsHistoryIR ApprovedNonfiction  •  Oct 07, 2016

Purchase at
A fateful opportunity turns into a twenty-five year documented research to prove that much of what you learned in school about Christopher Columbus turns out to be “a monumental lie.”
Columbus—The Untold Story unveils the entire story of deception about Don Critóbal Colón, “the man historians mistakenly call Christopher Columbus.” While working on genealogical tables for a translation of a controversial book on the infamous discoverer, historian Manuel Rosa is compelled to perform his own research. Expecting to disprove the outrageous claims of the author, Rosa’s passionate research only confirms the author’s assertions that Don Critóbal Colón was indeed an agent for King John II of Portugal. Over the course of 300-plus pages of densely packed information, Rosa relays the true account of this mysterious double agent—the learned man who was sent on a mission “to divert Spain away from the real India and protect Portugal’s monopoly” whose plan to fool the world lasted for half a millennium.
Rosa dispels conspiracy theories on Christopher Columbus in his magnum opus. An intense study combination of books, documents, chronicles, and the most uncompromising modern-day scientific methods, Rosa’s stunning research provides the latest and the greatest factual information to date on the real person who is recognized as the first person to discover America. As he takes his readers on an unforgettable historical journey detailing Colón’s extensive knowledge, travels, and tight connections with Portugal's king—to only name a few examples, Rosa’s major emphasis centers on evidence that reveals Colón’s true lineage. (Hint:  He’s NOT from Genoa, as history leads us to believe!) Although Rosa exposes immense amounts of incontrovertible data, he is forthright to mention that the research is not at the least exhaustive. That said, Rosa concludes by calling upon the scientific community for assistance in continued research. Encouraging “the exchange of ideas and information from others around the world,” Rosa includes a website where comments can be posted.
Solving a 500-year-old medieval conspiracy, the information contained within the pages of COLUMBUS—THE UNTOLD STORY is nothing less than eye opening.
~by Anita Lock for IndieReader