Thursday, March 3, 2016

COLUMBUS-THE UNTOLD STORY - Order Now - Limited Edition book

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ASSOCIATION CRISTÓVÃO COLÓN,  a non-profit organization, in collaboration with Nowy Dziennik – Polish Daily News, is funding the publication of the English language Edition of Manuel Rosa's award-winning and groundbreaking book COLUMBUS THE UNTOLD STORY.

For 10 years now, Mr. Rosa has been fighting the establishment and its Matrix trying to convince US Publishers to make his research available to the American public, all to no avail. Therefore, we are going directly to you. We feel you deserve to know the truth and that because you want to know the truth, you will support us in bringing "COLUMBUS. The Untold Story" to American readers by pre-ordering your copy today.

Mr. Rosa's first book on Columbus was publish in 2006 in Portugal. He next published "COLÓN. La historia nunca contada" (COLUMBUS. The Untold Story) in 2009 in Spain, then in Poland as "KOLUMB. Historia nieznana," which made the cover of Newsweek, selling out in months, and lastly in Lithuania as "KOLUMBAS. Atskleistoji istorija." 
COLUMBUS. The Untold Story reveals incredible hidden secrets of the life of Columbus, his double-mission in Spain and the surprisingly sophisticated world of fifteenth century, geopolitical politics and espionage. 

Another nutty conspiracy theory!! That’s what I first supposed. I now believe that Christopher Columbus is guilty of a huge fraud carried out over two decades.” - James T. McDonough, Jr., Ph.D. Professor for 31 years at St. Joseph’s University.

Columbus-The Untold Story Book Release event in Vilnius, Lithuania, 2014

Miltiades Varvounis, distinguished Greek-Polish historian, researcher and author wrote in an extensive article about Manuel Rosa's book on Christopher Columbus saying that the book, "is a magnum opus and by no means should be considered a work of pseudo history or just another source of nutty conspiracy theories. Rosa's numerous reliable findings and solid theories would make Sherlock Holmes jealous. The History of Columbus has many mixed-up facts and personalities, and maybe the time has come for the discoverer's life to be finally rewritten." - Source Lithuanian Heritage Magazine, (January/February 2913) pg. 28.
Cover of Newsweek, Poland, Feb. 2011 and enthusiastic readers showing off the Polish edition

This 25-year-long investigation has unearthed unknown facts regarding historical documents discovered in various countries, the information that the supposedly Italian Columbus did not even use Italian in his letters, not even to his brothers, neither did his brothers write Italian to Columbus. 

Add to this the sheer impossibility of a peasant Columbus being able to marry into the socially-superior nobility in Portugal plus have direct access to several monarchs in order to carry out his quest and it becomes apparent how the history we learned was not accurate. In short, academics now are forced to acknowledge that the Discoverer of America was no simple wool-weaver’s son from Genoa.

Lecture at Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture, Chicago, 2012

A Portuguese historian believes he has solved the 500-year-old mystery of Columbus' true identity after a thorough investigation of medieval documents and chronicles. The origins of the man who discovered the Americas has long been a subject of speculation. Contemporary accounts named his birth place as the Italian port of Genoa to a family of wool weavers but over the centuries it has been claimed that he was a native of Greece, Spain, France, Portugal and even Scotland. Others claimed his origins were hidden because he was Jewish or secretly working as a double agent for the Portuguese royal family. But the latest theory suggests that the great navigator, who died in 1506 after four voyages to the New World, was in fact of royal blood: the son of King Vladislav III who was supposedly slain in the Battle of Varna in 1444 ... fled to live in exile on the island of Madeira where he was known as "Henry the German" and married a Portuguese noblewoman. - From Balzekas Museum announcement of the Lithuanian book,  Chicago, IL

Lady Blanka Rosenstiel presenting "SPECIAL RECOGNITION" awards in Miami, Feb. 2015

This Limited Edition of "COLUMBUS. The Untold Story," is an unabridged translation from the 2014 Lithuanian book in its unedited form and has been augmented with surprising new information gathered over the last few years, solidifying Rosa's therory that Columbus was born of Royal Blood.

We are confident that you won't be disappointed with the incredible information Mr. Rosa's book presents regarding Columbus and his 1492 voyage to the Americas. 

Please sponsor this history-changing project and incite your family, friends and organizations to sponsors. You have nothing to lose, except the truth!

2014 Polish TV Documentary based on COLUMBUS: The Untold Story


“The book is an extensive and well-documented work on the still-enigmatic figure of Cristóbal Colón, with evocative and notorious contributions that will, with absolute certainty, be talked about for a long time.”
  ­– Professor D. Félix Martínez Llorente, University of Valladolid

"Any historian who is lucid (also if he is not lucid he can hardly be called a historian), given the knowledge of the social relations that prevailed at the time, cannot have any doubt of the FACT, that is more than obvious, that CRISTÓBAL COLÓN HAD TO BE SOMEONE BORN OF THE HIGHEST NOBILITY. Regarding this fact, END OF DISCUSSION. The evidence is now so plentiful that one merely needs to enumerate it to come to this obvious conclusion. His high nobility birth is an issue that is no longer worth wasting our time debating."
 –João Abel da Fonseca, Deputy Secretary-General of the Marine Academy, Secretary of the Class of Maritime History, Academic Correspondent of the Portuguese Academy of History, Vice-President of the Division of History of the Geographical Society of Lisbon, and Chairman of the Council of the Institute of European Culture and Atlantic

“I am a professor of History who specializes in 15th and 16th century Portuguese contacts with West Africa. I do Portuguese paleography, and my research supports your conclusions that Colón was a Portuguese spy for King João II.”
 – Professor Trevor Hall, - PhD. in History from Johns Hopkins University

 "Without a doubt, Manuel Rosa shoved a stick into an anthill destroying a great design. Its publication evokes a historical tsunami, which, not only turns upside-down the history of the discovery of America, but also makes one reflect on the current textbooks in the canon of history . . .The book is extensive and you cannot approach it lightly, or seeking sensationalism. It requires the reader to focus, reflect deeply, persevere through all the arguments put forward by the author, which consist of up-to-now unknown facts of the biography of Christopher Columbus."
- Adam Pawlowski, history  professor in Poland.

"I agree with Manuel Rosa’s research one hundred per cent ... Nothing invalidates the concept that he could have been born in Portugal.”
-Joaquim Veríssimo Serrão, ex-Dean of the University of Lisbon, World-renowned Professor and President of Portuguese Academy of History for 25 years. (Prof.  Serrão wrote in his preface for the Portuguese and Spanish editions.)

"No serious historian, after reading the original Portuguese, Spanish and Italian documents from the 15th-16th Centuries and after having done a proper study of Colón's original heraldic shield, can be indifferent to the truth, and continue insisting in sanctioning unequivocally what others had written prior to the new evidence. Manuel Rosa made an exceptional investigation methodological and well documented."
 – Professor José Carlos Calazans, Lusófona University in Lisbon

“Cristóvão Colón was a Portuguese born noble tied to the House of the Duke of Viseu.”
– Professor Manuela Mendonça, declared to the media following Rosa's lecture at the Portuguese Academy of History, May 16, 2012, as its president

"For the first time ever, a book was written about Colón without starting from any preconceived certainties and every piece of the puzzle is explained point by point."
 – Professor Antonio Vicente, History Professor at Lisbon University

“Finally we have a work of investigation into the history of the discovery of America that is amply documented and shows the real fraud created by the proponents of the accepted tale of an ignorant Columbus. It offers abundant clues to unraveling the great mystery that surrounds the «discoverer of America» and puts forth the long needed change in the perspective of the analysis of this historical figure.”
–José Rodrigues dos Santos, author and nightly news anchor for RTP, Portugal

Manuel Rosa lectures at Duke Universtiy, 2014 and with Lady Blanka during the ward ceremony in Miami 2015

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Currently considered the world's leading expert on the life of Columbus, Manuel Rosa is a Portuguese-American historian and author who emigrated from the Azores to the Boston area in 1973. In his early professional life, he was employed as a graphic artist working on books and national magazines including Atlantic Monthly and Boston Magazine. He later became an IT Professional employed by Lockheed Martin and currently works at Duke University.
He is also a recipient of the 1976 Boston Globe’s Art Merit Award, the Lockheed Martin Lightning Award in 2002 and the Polish Consulate “Special Recognition” award in 2015.
Mr. Rosa has lectured at European and American universities on Columbus, has advised UNESCO and the Haitian government on matters related to Columbus's lost ship, has appeared on BBC, on the Travel Channel’s Expedition Unknown, on NPR, and many other media and foreign language documentaries. 

Fluent in several languages, Mr. Rosa has spent a quarter century investigating and searching out the facts concerning Christopher Columbus’s discovery of America utilizing a non-biased scientific approach that has taken him to Portugal, Spain, Dominican Republic, Poland, Lithuania and many places in-between in a relentless pursuit of the truth. The new information he garnered about Christopher Columbus resulted in the publishing of his first book (of 640 pages) in 2006.
Mr. Rosa’s latest book “COLUMBUS-THE UNTOLD STORY” has been called an “magnum opus” that completely rewrites the history of Columbus and his Discovery of America.

 This will be a very 
Limited Edition
Order your copy 
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 Buy 1 book =$25.00; buy 10 books = $250.00; or more if you like.
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Filming for Travel Channel's "Expedition Unknown" in Haiti with Josh gates

Thank You
Association Cristóvão Colón
Nowy Dziennik – Polish Daily News

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Interview about COLUMBUS. The Untold Story

A will without a way. A critical review of how the Christopher Columbus Mayorazgo of 1498 continues to perpetrate a fraud against historians and history. (RI §416163)

The Last Will and Testament of Christopher Columbus dated 1498, known as the Mayorazgo (Majorat), materialized in Spain decades after the discoverer died. The document was presented during the Columbus inheritance lawsuit by an Italian imposter named Balthazar Colombo who was not a family relation. The document includes the statement “being I born in Genoa,” which has been utilized as the crucial proof that the Discoverer of America was born in Genoa, Italy. However, neither the contents of the Mayorazgo nor the circumstances of its creation pass scientific scrutiny. It turns out to be a fraudulent document invented by Balthazar Colombo in his shameless effort to steal from the discoverer’s legitimate heirs the immense inheritance of the Dukedom of Veragua, Admiral of the Indies and Marquis of Jamaica.

I. Colón vs. Colombo: planting the seeds of deceit. II. The Problematic Mayorazgo of 1498. III. Wronged Historians.

Keywords: Testamento de Cristóbal ColónMayorazgo de 1498Baltazar Colombo como impostorSucesión de la Casa de VeraguaFraude e Falsificación en los Tribunales medievalesCredibilidad de la Raccolta ColombianaBatallas jurídicas do almirante das IndiasDudas del Colombo GenovésColón vs. Colombo vs. Columbus.
Testamento de Cristóvão Colombo
Morgado de 1498Baltazar Colombo como impostorSucessão da Casa de VeraguaFraude e Falsificação nos Tribunais medievaisCredibilidade da Raccolta ColombianaBatalhas jurídicas do almirante das ÍndiasDúvidas do Colombo GenovêsColón vs. Colombo vs. Columbus.;

Friday, January 29, 2016

Historian Questions Italian Birthplace of Christopher Columbus

Historian Questions Italian Birthplace of Christopher Columbus )

Christopher ColumbusNew York, Oct 19 (EFE). – Portuguese historian Manuel Rosa, a specialist in studies about Christopher Columbus, again casts doubt on the traditional account that the great navigator was born in Italy, and says he has found convincing evidence to the contrary.
In a new article published by the e-Spanish Legal History Review, Rosa says the testament of Columbus on which the official theory is based is a forgery.
“The importance of the article is the evidence it contains that the so-called testament of 1498 was a forgery issued 90 years after Columbus died,” the historian told EFE.
“I have discovered that the suspect document was contested at the time by the Spanish justice system itself, which ruled that the document was worth about as much as a blank piece of paper,” Rosa said.
“The discovery casts doubt on everything that has been written about Columbus up to now. The history of Columbus as it has been related to us is false,” the historian said.
This new information about Columbus provides a firmer foundation for Rosa’s theory that the man sent by the Catholic monarchs to explore a new route to India was not Italian.
“Columbus was born in Madeira (Portugal) and was in fact the son of Polish King Wladyslaw III, who fled to Madeira after fighting the Turks in the battle of Varna, where many people up to now thought he lost his life,” the historian said.
In Madeira, the father of Columbus supposedly lived under the name of Henrique Alemao.
Rosa, who in 2008 published “Columbus: The Story Never Told,” in which he began to deconstruct the official biography of the discoverer of America, said he was “aware” of the criticism leveled at him by some historians.
“I know they think I’m someone out to rewrite history, but I have to tell what seems to be set in stone, that the official version is false,” Rosa said.
The specialist said in his book that Christopher Columbus was secretly working for Portugal, not Spain, which he sought to distance from the rich markets of Asia with the discovery of America.
The real Columbus, according to the historian, was not an Italian commoner at the orders of the Spanish monarchy, but a man trusted by the Portuguese monarchy, which knew from the start that he was not sailing to India but to America.
Rosa told EFE he was confident that “when the book is published in English – up to now it is only available in Portuguese, Spanish, Lithuanian and Polish – the whole history of Columbus as we have known it up to now will fall apart. EFE

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Quinnipiac University Article on Columbus

Guest Speaker: Historian Manuel Rosa discussed the life of Christopher Columbus 

We were very excited to host Mr. Rosa at Quinnipiac on Thursday, October 8th, 2015. 

His lecture on the true origins and heritage of Christopher Columbus presented new evidence that shows Columbus was not Italian, but likely Polish royalty. Mr. Rosa is the author of two books “The Columbus Mystery Revealed,” published in 2006, and “KOLUMB. Historia nieznana” (COLUMBUS. The Untold Story), a bestseller in Poland, published in 2012.

In 1991, Rosa began investigating the life of Columbus, leading him on an intellectual and physical journey through Portugal, Spain, Poland and the Dominican Republic.

He was the only Portuguese historian involved with DNA studies of Columbus’ bones at the University of Granada in Spain. His work, if accurate, will completely change the way the world things about Christopher Columbus. 

”Thanks to much historical digging, Manuel Rosa offers a fascinating look at the roots of Columbus,” said Storozynski. “His work has gained international attention. While the book has been published in several countries, it deserves to be picked up by a major American publishing house as well.” 

Friday, December 4, 2015

Manuel Rosa on Expedition Unknown, Sinking Columbus Santa Maria Fraud

Manuel Rosa and Josh Gates filming in in Haiti for Expedition Unknown, 
Sinking Columbus's Santa Maria Fraud as exposed in the book
COLUMBUS: The Untold Story

Christopher Columbus Pt1

Josh travels to 2 continents to find Columbus' lost flagship, the Santa Maria.

View Full TV Schedule
    December 5
    11am | 10c
    December 6
    11pm | 10c
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    December 9
    8pm | 7c
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    3am | 2c
    December 16
    7pm | 6c

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Historian Manuel Rosa to discuss the life of Christopher Columbus on Oct. 8,

Quinnipiac University -  News and Events  Share   

Historian Manuel Rosa to discuss the life of Christopher Columbus on Oct. 8

Manuel Rosa
Sept. 30, 2015 - Historian Manuel Rosa will discuss the true origin and heritage of Christopher Columbus at noon on Thursday, Oct. 8, in the Carl Hansen Student Center, Room 225, 275 Mount Carmel Ave. 
Rosa's lecture, sponsored by the Central European Institute at Quinnipiac, will present new evidence that shows Columbus was not Italian, but Polish royalty. In 1991, Rosa began a scientific investigation of the life of Columbus taking him to countries, including Portugal, Spain, Poland and the Dominican Republic. He was the only Portuguese historian involved with DNA studies of Columbus' bones at the University of Granada in Spain. 
"We are very excited to host Mr. Rosa at Quinnipiac," said Christopher Ball, director of the Central European Institute. "His lecture on the true origins of Christopher Columbus looks fascinating indeed and typifies the kind of critical thinking and constant questioning we encourage here."
Rosa's first book, "The Columbus Mystery Revealed," was published in 2006. His latest book, "KOLUMB. Historia nieznana" (COLUMBUS. The Untold Story), was published in 2012 and was a bestseller in Poland. 
Alexander Storozynski, distinguished scholar and Polish chair of the Central European Institute, said, "Thanks to much historical digging, Manuel Rosa offers a fascinating look at the roots of Columbus. His work has gained international attention. While the book has been published in several countries, it deserves to be picked up by a major American publishing house a well." 
Rosa is the recipient of the 1976 Boston Globe's Art Merit Award and the Lockheed Martin Lightning Award. He currently works at Duke University. 
The lecture is free and open to the public. For more information, call 203-582-8652.
The Central European Institute builds bridges between the United States and the nations of Central Europe by fostering relationships in academics, business and culture.

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