Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama Descendant of European Kings

Great people usually descend from other great people and our
President-Elect Barack Obama is no exception. Barack Obama has
as his ancestors on his mother's side great men like King Charlemagne (died 28.01.0814)

Hugh Capet (died
24.10.0996)Robert II le Pieux, King of France (died 20.07.1031)

and William the Conquerer, King of England (died 09.09.1087)
and many other great man of European history including
Foulques V le Jeune d'Anjou, King of Jerusalem
who died in Acra 13.11.1143.

Hail to the Chief,
and Hail to Great Men.

(to see the full genealogy follow his mothers lineage on this great site.

A red ball identifies the descendants of William the Conqueror, king of England;
A yellow ball the descendants of Charlemagne, Holy Roman emperor and king of Italy;
A dark-blue ball the descendants of Hugh Capet, king of France;

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

“Another nutty conspiracy theory!”

“Another nutty conspiracy theory!” That’s what I first supposed as I started to read the manuscript Unmasking Columbus sent me just to edit its English. After all, it turned upside down most of what I had learned about Columbus since the 1940s.
It claimed that Columbus knew in October 1492 that he was nowhere near India, but that he called the Caribbean region he had reached “the Indies” in an outright lie, because he was a double agent actually serving the king of Portugal and double-crossing his patrons, Ferdinand and Isabella, that he was an expert geographer and navigator and a Portuguese nobleman, not a shipwrecked ignorant sailor or wool-weaver from Genoa.
I thought I would read a little of the book to enjoy myself poking holes in its arguments and then decline to edit it. However, the more I read, the more convincing its massive accumulation of historical details became. Far from fanatics, its authors present their claims modestly, pointing out areas that need further research, and even saying that their conclusions at present lack 100% proof. True, history rarely admits of 100% certitude, but I would say that their book provides the best answers to many previously unexplained problems in the Christopher Columbus puzzle.
I now believe that if Columbus were alive and on trial by any fair civil court, he would be found guilty of huge fraud carried out over two decades against his patrons.... Against my initial instinct, despite a lifetime that has taught me to question all things, I found myself believing that the case against Columbus presented here is about as solid as Fawn Brodie’s claims that Jefferson sired slaves by his Black slave Sally.... I refer you to two news clippings about my doctoral research at Columbia University, dealing with questions of authorship (to show that I am used to weighing evidence, evaluating sources, drawing conclusions from written remains). They are the New York Times, Sunday, August 6, 1961, pp. 1 (col. 2), 70 (col. 1) and Time magazine, August 18, 1961, pp. 43, 44.

(James T. McDonough, Jr. earned his Ph.D. in classical philology from Columbia University
and taught at St. Joseph's University for 31 years. He was a Professor at a number of Universities)

Monday, September 29, 2008

He Was Not Christopher Columbus

For over 500 years Christopher Columbus has been known as the discoverer of America. However neither the name Christopher Columbus, -Latin version of the Cristoforo Colombo in Italian,- nor the voyage had been correctly described or explained up to now.
The facts of the "fairy tale" wool-weaver that gets lost on his way to India running into America without knowing it are clearly explained in this new book by historian Manuel Rosa.

(The Mystery of Colombo Revealed)

15 years of rigorous and systematic investigation
knock down the officially known history.
Colon was not a Genoese, but a Portuguese
spy at the service of King John II.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Columbus Lisbon Interview

Nick Balthazar interviews Manuel Rosa and Dr. José Carlos Calazans about the new book on Columbus for Belgium TV.